
Shami Chakrabarti gives talk on Liberty to Year 8s

Shami Chakrabarti gives talk on Liberty to Year 8s

Q: What combines smelly bratwurst, Silvio Berlusconi, HG Wells, AA Milne and the fight for Mordor? 
A: A talk by Shami Chakrabarti!

Equal treatment under the law - or, to make it personal, treating your enemies as you yourself would wish to be treated. This is what lies at the core of Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti's personal and professional beliefs about human rights. 

The self-confessed, "professional teenager: I get to moan at people for a living" was fascinating during her low-key, wide-ranging talk with the Year 8s, urging our top students to know what their human rights are, to get engaged with what's going on out in the big bad world, to read the news - and learn to question what others can sometimes take for granted.

"That's a great question!" was her response to some of the Year 8s' interrogations along subjects like,

  • "What does Liberty actually do?" 
  • "What inspired you?"
  • "How did you end up doing what you do?"


A fascinating way to start the day - many thanks to Shami for coming in. 


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Shami Chakrabarti gives talk on Liberty to Year 8s