Science at Newton Prep is exciting, engaging and thought provoking. We encourage our pupils to think creatively by making the most of our three well-resourced Science Laboratories.
Our lessons are designed to foster independence and develop enquiring minds through challenging experimental work. There is a focus on five core scientific skills: planning, observing, recording, concluding and evaluating. Each lesson, the objective will be based around one of these skills and children will supplement experimental evidence with content to ensure a secure understanding of all topics is gained.
We aim to give children the opportunity to evaluate evidence, understand scientific technique and be aware of the environmental and technological impact of a greater understanding of the world around them. Through a varied curriculum, we ensure children develop scientific fluency and skills, critical thinking, creativity and curiosity.
In the Lower School, Science is taught by the class teachers in their classrooms whereas, in the Upper School, pupils are taught in the laboratories. In Years 3 and 4, the pupils have two lessons of Science a week, and this moves to three each week from Year 5 upwards.
Throughout the year, academic trips are organised to link with the curriculum for that year group. Examples include trips to ‘The Centre of the Cell’ in Year 7 and the annual Science and Geography fieldwork residential trip to Cumbria in Year 8. Annually, we hold a whole school STEAM Week (integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths), which is focused on a specific scientific theme. This theme is then explored throughout the School in every subject and the week culminates with two open afternoons to which families are invited to take part in a variety of activities run by the Science Department.