My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.
- Sir Isaac Newton
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
- Sir Isaac Newton
Our Vision is to provide the children in our care with a first-rate 21st century education, in the knowledge that time is precious and irreversible. The education we provide should have a strong academic base, with an imaginatively broad curriculum for children with a range of abilities, including those with high aptitudes in specific subjects, giving a rich learning experience for all children.
Moreover, the Newton education should have a lasting impact, as children progress through their school years and throughout their lives, developing their knowledge, intelligence, enthusiasm, creativity and character. The school's atmosphere should be full of happiness and enthusiasm, with a sense of purpose and achievement as both pupils and staff aim high, with strong management and good governance to bolster these aspirations.
Our focus should be on developing the potential in each child and enabling progress to the most appropriate senior school. Newton Prep should be a model for best practice in all aspects of prep education
- Dr Farouk Walji, Chairman & Founder
Our mission statement is as follows:
‘Established in 1991, Newton Prep is a thriving school for boys and girls, aged 3-13. The School is unashamedly ambitious for its pupils who have access to outstanding facilities. We want them to achieve their academic potential whilst also engaging in sport, art, music and drama. We want them to involve themselves in the total life of the School, which includes after school clubs and activities and a wide range of trips. We celebrate the diversity of our pupils; we want our children to develop a strong sense of community, learning how to make a positive contribution to the community of Newton Prep and the world around them. The ethos and philosophy is one that is based on mutual respect and kindness shown to others. Fundamentally, we want Newton Prep children to enjoy their precious childhood years.’
Our key aims are:
- To ensure that every child is given opportunities to flourish and develop in all areas of school life
- To listen and respond to the ‘pupil voice’
- To celebrate and embrace difference and diversity
- To encourage every child to make their own positive contribution to the life of the School
- To prepare each child well for the range of senior school entrance examinations
- To provide a forward thinking educational experience that equips the children for life in the future
Central to our mission statement is our School Council, our equivalent to a Governing Body.