Registration for Admission

Registration for Admission

Registration for Admission:

Please complete this form to register your child for admission.

Once we receive your information, Mrs Lucy Dickson (Head of Admissions) will be in touch.

The cost of registration is a fee of £150; bank details will be provided for payment by bank transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have listed below the main questions typically asked during the admissions process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main point of entry?
What if I am happy with my child’s Nursery and would rather not apply to Newton Prep until Reception?
When should I register my child?
When are the assessment dates for all entry points into Newton Prep?
How can I prepare my child for their assessment?
Is there any financial help if I cannot afford school fees?

There are further details in our Admissions Policy on our Policies page.

As a London school, there is always movement within year groups, as families move out of London or away from the UK. It is, therefore, always worth pursuing the possibility of occasional places in any year group.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lucy Dickson (Head of Admissions) if you have any questions.